
How To Install Laminate Around Doors

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How To finish laminate flooring on a door

Wondering if you have to cut the door jamb to finish installing your laminate flooring properly? Well, await no further because I've got your answer!

To install laminate flooring around doorways, use an oscillating multi-tool to undercut the door jamb by the thickness of the flooring. By cutting the door jamb, the laminate floor can then slide underneath the door trim to make installation easier and hide whatsoever cut edges from sight.

Now that we've got that covered, let'south get over the details further then you can hands execute this task.

Allow's dive in!

Quick Navigation: Cutting Door Trim To Install Laminate Floor

  1. Tin can You Install Laminate Flooring Without Cutting The Door Jamb?
  2. How To Cut A Door Jamb To Install Flooring
  3. How To Install Laminate Flooring Under A Door Jamb
  4. How To Install Laminate Flooring
  5. Final Thoughts
  6. Related Laminate Flooring Manufactures

Can You Install Laminate Floor Without Cutting The Door Jamb?

Proper laminate flooring installation has two goals:

  1. Hide the cut edges
  2. Make the least amount of cuts possible

To achieve both of these goals effectually a doorway, we demand to cut the door jamb.

If you lot install laminate flooring without cutting the door jamb, installation fourth dimension and efforts will increase because you will either take to brand complicated, precise cuts to perfect frame out the door, or you will have unsightly gaps visible around the doorframe.

do you have to undercut door jambs for laminate flooring

In addition, the laminate flooring will exist significantly harder to snap into the residuum of the floor if the "complicated cut" is too precise considering there will be no wiggle room to slide the cut slice into place with the remaining pieces.

Instead, save yourself time and endeavour, and simply undercut the door jamb and trim so that the laminate flooring tin can slide easily underneath without whatever complicated cuts.

Why You Tin can Undercut A Door Jamb Easier Than Cut The Laminate Around The Doorframe

Doorframes don't really sit on the ground. Instead, they are screwed into the studs that surroundings the door on the sides and the tiptop, which really holds the weight of the door.

Considering of this, yous tin can completely cut out the lesser function of the doorframe and have no worries about gravity taking over.

And with an aquiver multi-tool like this 1 found at Amazon, this cut is super easy. This tool lets yous make directly plunge cuts, so you can easily remove a piece every bit thick as your flooring to brand the installation process easier.

This extra infinite created past undercutting the door jamb as well gives the laminate flooring the gap information technology needs to expand and contract underneath the door jamb, and so it's out of sight.

It's the same concept every bit installing the laminate flooring with a gap and then installing some baseboard overtop the gap to hide the edges.

Only in this scenario, we don't have to remove the door or door trim, we can just cut the tiny slice out that we demand and slide the flooring underneath.

Alright, now let's go over exactly how to undercut the door jamb so you lot can get to installing your new floor.

Related Laminate Flooring Manufactures

  • How To Layout & Install Laminate Floor On Physical
  • Where To Place Transition Strips In A Doorway (Moving picture Tutorial!)
  • Laminate Flooring Edging Options & When To Apply Them

How To Cut A Door Jamb To Install Flooring

To avert hideous gaps in the flooring around the door frame, you lot demand to cutting the door jamb and door trim.

Level Of Difficulty Time To Complete
Like shooting fish in a barrel 5 minutes
Material List Tool List
Painter's Record Oscillating Multi-Tool

The easiest way to do this is to:

  1. Take a piece of your laminate floor (preferably a scrap slice)
  2. Comprehend the acme of the laminate flooring with painter'due south record (if it's not a chip slice)
  3. Cover the door trim and door jamb with painter'due south tape
  4. Use the taped piece of laminate flooring to concord your oscillating multi-tool at the correct height as you lot cut through the door trim and frame
  5. Cut through the door trim and frame with the aquiver multi-tool
cutting the door frame - do you have to undercut door jambs for laminate flooring
My husband used an oscillating multi-tool to cut the door trim and door frame.
do you have to undercut door jambs for laminate flooring
Here he's cutting the other side of the door trim & frame!

The door frame is secured into the wall studs surrounding information technology, so information technology does not need to "sit" on superlative of your new flooring.

The cut just needs to be shut enough to the flooring so that yous don't run across a gap later you've slid the new floor underneath.

Ta-da! An oscillating multi-tool makes this job then piece of cake.

How To Install Laminate Flooring Nether A Door Jamb

Later the door jamb is cut to the correct height, all you have to do is slide a new piece of laminate flooring underneath and snap information technology into place with the residue of the pieces.

And voila! All the edges are hidden!

do you have to undercut door jambs for laminate flooring - slide flooring under door jamb

Locking the pieces together this way is a little complicated because you can't elevator the piece underneath the door jamb upwardly to help you snap it into the other pieces.

To lock this piece into identify, you demand to take your rubber mallet and softly tap this slice toward the balance of the pieces until information technology locks in identify.

Using painter's tape on the laminate board every bit you tap can help forestall any impairment or chipping from occurring as well.

That's it! Continue on with your installation until you get to the other side of the door and repeat the process.

How To Install Laminate Flooring

If you're new to installing laminate floor and want the full guide, check out my article here.

I'll walk yous through every pace to aid you avoid some major mistakes and get the all-time finish possible.

Or if you but need some help calculating the pattern, and so you need to check out my laminate floor stagger pattern tutorial here.

That tutorial will assistance yous calculate all the dimensions you demand to cut the perfect design for your room (and I used our room as an example to help you do the calculations more easily!)

laminate floor stagger pattern calculator

Final thoughts On Cut Door Jamb While Installing Laminate Flooring

There you take it!

Cutting the door jamb to install laminate flooring is piece of cake when you have the right tools.

Luckily, this job but takes two and can exist done inside minutes. Good luck with the residue of your laminate flooring installation.

Catch you in my next post!

do you have to undercut door jambs for laminate flooring
Love this post? Share information technology with others so they can install laminate flooring effectually a door properly also!

  • How To Layout & Install Laminate Flooring On Concrete
  • Where To Place Transition Strips In A Doorway (Pic Tutorial!)
  • Laminate Flooring Edging Options & When To Utilise Them

Do You Have To Undercut Door Jambs For Laminate Flooring? (+ Pictures!)

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